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From Contract to Lifetime Customer

The Foundation buyer experience platform helps homebuilders sell more homes, more efficiently, to happier customers.

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Streamlined sales, seamless closings

Foundation's digital closing concierge helps deliver cleaner closes, more efficient teams, and happier customers.

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Smoother sales

Bring together your internal teams and external partners for cleaner closes.

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Faster teams

Automate your sales support, so your teams can focus on what matters most.

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Happier buyers

Confident, informed buyers result in more referrals and fewer warranty requests.

Make your owners your best asset

You spend thousands of dollars to acquire a buyer. Foundation turns your owners into referrals, repeat purchases, and ongoing revenue.

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Low-cost buyer acquisition

Foundation re-engages and re-targets your past buyers to drive referrals and repeat purchases over time.

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Key business insights

Turn your historical sales into a business-critical data asset with detailed analysis and automated insight.

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Ongoing revenue

Foundation turns your past buyers into an engaged, revenue-generating homeowner network.

How it works

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Our work,
your reward

Foundation’s technology and team does the heavy lifting — so that you can stay focused on building and selling more homes.

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Your customers,
your brand

Foundation is a white-label technology platform, so your buyers interact with your brand, not ours.

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Streamlined sales,
lifetime revenue

Foundation helps drive revenue growth by letting your salespeople focus on what they do best, and by turning a transaction into lifetime revenue.

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Happier buyers,
better business

Foundation delivers happier buyers. Happier buyers lead to more referrals, more repeat purchases, and fewer warranty requests.

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